

122 2024-03-07 19:45 admin


诺丁山电影长镜头插曲是no matter what。



No Matter What

Chica cha ha ha


Chica cha ha ha

Chica cha ha ha

Chica cha ha ha

Chica cha ha ha

Chica cha ha ha

No matter what they tell us

No matter what they do

No matter what they teach us

What we believe it's true

No matter what they call us

However they attack

No matter where they take us

We'll find our own way back

I can't deny what I believe

I can't be what I'm not

I know our love forever

I know no matter what

If only tears were laughter(ooh)

If only night was day(ooh)

If only prayers were answered

(hear my prayers)

Then we could hear God say(say)

No matter what they tell you

No matter what they do

No matter what they teach you

What you believe it's true

And I will keep you safe and strong

And shelter from the storm

No matter where it's barren

A dream is being born


No matter who they follow

No matter where they leave

No matter how they judge us

I'll be everyone you need

No matter if the sun don't shine

( the sun don't shine)

Or if the skies are blue

(skies are blue)

No matter what the end is

My life began with you

I can't deny what I believe

( what I believe)

I can't be what I'm not

(I know I know )

I know this love's forever

That's all that matters now

No matter what

NO no matter what (no no matter what)

No no matter what

No no matter what

No no matter what

That's all that matters to me

No no matter what

That's all that matters to me

No no matter what

That's all that matters to me

No no matter what

That's all that matters to me

No no matter what

That's all that matters to me

No no matter what

That's all that matters to me



个性温柔善良的威廉·萨克(休·格兰特饰)住在伦敦西部的诺丁山,拥有一家生意惨淡的旅游书店。由于生意不甚理想,只能在书店的附近和一位行为怪异且不修边幅的斯派克合租一套居室。自从离婚后,他的爱情生活一片空白。 安娜·斯科特(茱莉亚·罗伯茨饰)是美国的电影明星,她的玉照出现在各个杂志的封面上,一举一动都受到全世界的关注。 一个平淡无奇的星期三,安娜走进威廉的书店里,她优雅的姿态给威廉留下了深刻的第一印象,同时他也意识到,这位优雅的女士正是那位家喻户晓的好莱坞女影星安娜。在安娜离开书店后不久,威廉在帮同事购买饮料返回的路上再次遇到了安娜,他不小心把一杯饮料泼在了安娜身上。深感愧疚的威廉请安娜到他家里把衣服清洗干净,也没想到自己会爱上这位明星,假扮记者借故约会安娜。很快两人坠入爱河,本来甜蜜的生活却一下子被发现了的记者破坏了。安娜承受着媒体的压力,需要做出决定,两人也吵了起来。两人由此展开了一段童话般身份差距巨大的爱情之旅。



1. No Matter What - Boyzone

2. You've Got A Way - Shania Twain (Notting Hill remix)

3. I Do (Cherish You) - 98 Degrees

4. She - Elvis Costello

5. Ain't No Sunshine - Bill Withers

6. How Can You Mend A Broken Heart? - Al Green

7. Gimme Some Lovin' - The Spencer Davis Group

8. When You Say Nothing At All - Ronan Keating

9. Ain't No Sunshine - Lighthouse Family (bonus track)

10. From The Heart - Another Level (bonus track)


Elvis costello的歌曲《She》是电影诺丁山的一首插曲,歌词如下:


May be the face I can't forget

The trace of pleasure or regret

May be my treasure or the price I have to pay


May be the song that summer sings

May be the chill that autumn brings

May be a hundred different things

Within the measure of a day


May be the beauty or the beast

May be the famine or the feast

May turn each day into a heaven or a hell

She may be the mirror of my dreams

The smile reflected in a stream

She may not be what she may seem

Inside her shell


Who always seems so happy in a crowd

Whose eyes can be so private and so proud

No one's allowed to see them when they cry


May be the love that cannot hope to last

May come to me from shadows of the past

That I'll remember till the day I die


May be the reason I survive

The why and wherefore I'm alive

The one I'll care for through the rough in ready years


I'll take her laughter and her tears

And make them all my souvenirs

For where she goes I've got to be

The meaning of my life is


She, oh she


《诺丁山》片尾歌名《No Matter What》,由歌手Boyzone演唱。


《诺丁山》(Notting Hill)是由罗杰·米歇尔执导,朱莉娅·罗伯茨、休·格兰特、瑞斯·伊凡斯、迪兰·莫兰、约翰·斯拉普内尔等联袂主演的爱情电影。









六、美国电影诺丁山插曲“i do"的中文翻译?

i do我愿意

All I am,all I`ll be 我的全身心,我将全力以赴

Everything in this world 在这世界上的每件事

All that I`ll ever need 以及所有我曾追求的

Is in your eyes 那是来自你的眼你中

Shining at me 照耀著我

When you smile I can feel 当你微笑时我就能感觉到

All my passion unfolding 那洋溢满满在我心中的激情

Your hand brushes mine 就像你的双手轻触我的灵魂

And a thousand sensations 那千万的感受

Seduce me `cause I 让我如此神往,只因我


I do cherish you 我愿意珍爱你

For the rest of my life 在我剩余的生命中

You don`t have to think twice 你不必再去考虑第二次

I will love you still 我将远永深爱著你

From the depths of my soul 来自我的灵魂深处

It`s beyond my control 那深邃无法触及的地方

I`ve waited so long to say this to you 我已等了太久,只想对你倾诉

If you`re asking do I love you this much 假使你问我是否会爱你那麼深

I do 是的,我愿意

In my world,before you 在我的世界,未遇到你之前

I lived outside my emotions 我生活在我的情感之外

Didn`t know where I was going 不知道自己该何去何从

`Till that day I found you 直到那天我找到了你

How you opened my life 正是你开起了我的人生

To a new paradise 给予了我一个新的天堂

In a world torn by change 在这个充满泪水的世界里,唯一不变的

Still with all my heart 依然是我深爱你的心

`Till my dying day 至死不渝



《诺丁山》(Notting Hill)是由罗杰·米歇尔执导,朱莉娅·罗伯茨、休·格兰特、瑞斯·伊凡斯、迪兰·莫兰、约翰·斯拉普内尔等联袂主演的爱情电影。影片于1999年5月21日在英国上映。


《YOU’VE GOT A WAY》(你已找到出路)

电影《Notting Hill》,是茱丽娅罗伯丝和休格兰特的经典浪漫爱情之作了,故事内容就不再细述。其实这部电影最值得称道的应该是它的音乐,很少有《 诺丁山》这样从头至尾都这么好听的电影音乐。永远会记得在片尾处的音乐,当茱丽娅在电影发布会上对休格兰特say yes时,那首《she》随之响起,然后是他俩的婚礼,《YOU’VE GOT A WAY》(你已找到出路)悄悄的接上了《she》的尾音,然后镜头切换到了公园之中,《FROM THE HEART》(来自心底)巧妙地作了收尾。


《诺丁山》讲述一位到英国拍片的好莱坞大明星安娜,偶然跑到诺丁山的小书店买书,竟然跟个性腼腆的老板威廉擦出爱情火花,然而这段跨越地域和阶级的爱情能够躲过狗仔队的纠缠而获得美满结局。剧情介绍:著名影星安娜斯各特(茱莉亚罗伯茨 饰)的演艺事业如日中天。一天她来到了诺丁山的一间书店,邂逅了事业爱情两失意的老板威廉萨克(休格朗特 饰)。威廉认出了安娜是红极一时的明星,十分惊讶,也没想到自己会爱上这位明星,假扮记者借故约会安娜。很快两人坠入爱河,本来甜蜜的生活却一下子被发现了的记者破坏了。安娜承受着媒体的压力,需要做出决定,两人也吵了起来。扩展资料《诺丁山》角色介绍:






1. No Matter What - Boyzone

2. You've Got A Way - Shania Twain (Notting Hill remix)

3. I Do (Cherish You) - 98 Degrees

4. She - Elvis Costello

5. Ain't No Sunshine - Bill Withers

6. How Can You Mend A Broken Heart? - Al Green

7. Gimme Some Lovin' - The Spencer Davis Group

8. When You Say Nothing At All - Ronan Keating

9. Ain't No Sunshine - Lighthouse Family (bonus track)

10. From The Heart - Another Level (bonus track)

11. Everything About You - Steve Poltz

12. Will And Anna - Trevor Jones

13. Notting Hill - Trevor Jones

夏加尔的《新娘》(La Mariee)

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